My First Area- Buin

I might come home Christmas Eve or before!

Thumbs Up!

A long day of hard work with my comp!!!

My mom sent me this AMAzing package while i was in the MTC and these twix were in it, they are everything to me, I just finished them... Sad.

 Sweet, so I thought I loved the MTC, yeah, this is a million times better. I´m in this sector called, ¨Buin¨. It is way cool, and poor. I´m super busy too, the other Elders in my district say they are super jealous of my first change. I´ve taught 15 lecciones since last Tuesday. Which is a lot I guess, I have nothing else to compare it too so I don´t know. All I do know is, I am loving it. We have a baptism this Saturday with this little 9 year old, and he asked me to do it. So that is way fun, we also have 2 other investigators with baptism dates for the 31st of March. It is soooooo much fun. They say in the scriptures that the field is white and ready to harvest, and that is exactly what is going on in Buin, Chile. I´ve had the craziest experiences already, and I´m not even a full week into the mission field. We were trying really hard to find this one lady, searched for about, 40 minutes. Finalllyyyyy find her house (shack) and we yell ¨HALO¨(because that is what you do here in Chile you just scream hello instead of knocking) and her sister comes out, and he ask for the lady. She comes walking out, and this lady is about 70 years old. We start talking to her and the Book of Mormon gets brought up, and she tells us that she read it all night long about 3 days earlier, prayed about it, and knows it´s true. Hahaha what!?! So she´s getting baptized soon hopefully. I am seriously just having the time of my life, finding a ton of new people, ready to hear the message we have to share. I am very grateful to our Father in Heaven for putting these people in my path. 
     My new companion is awesome!! His name is, Elder Ascue. He is from Peru, does not speak english well, at all. But, I´m not here to speak english so it is fine. My spanish is coming along, it´s tough because the people here do not finish their words, and so it is tough to understand what they are saying. And if I don´t know what the person said, I can´t ask my companion what they said because, yep, he doesn´t speak english. Haha, it´s okay because we´re having so much fun together and teaching a bunch, and inviting a ton of people to come unto Christ.

     So the thing about Chile right now is, they are getting A BUNCH of Haitians, 100´s a day. We are teaching more people from Haiti than people from Chile. A lot of them speak spanish well, but A LOT of them don´t. So we have to learn spanish, but we also have to learn Créole also. Which is like a mix of spanish, french, and english. We pass out Créole stuff all the time, it is crazy. 

     My Pday is on Monday now. I love you all, and love it here. Pictures soon to come...

Con Amor, 
Elder Simons
