So many miracles!

This week was so awesome!!!!! Wow. We had so many miracles, seriously. The Lord is on our side. This week was the most fun that I have had. Amazing. My companion and I click so well, he is AMAZING. We work so hard together. It is a blast honestly. We are just loving what is happening here, and enjoying the pure joy that we are feeling all the time. This week we focused big time on our diligence, and we saw the blessings. 

OH before I forget, last week at the zoo, I held hands with a baby monkey through the fence!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it was the coolest thing that I have ever done!!! I was sooooo happy hahaha. 

We are seeing all of our investigators really progressing, so amazing. 

Love you all, this was super short but I need to go. I am loving it and am safe. 

Con amor, 
Elder Simons

My second baptism

An international fair at our ward

Two for one pizza day

A picture of my zone last week at the zoo

I love coke
